6 Awesome Benefits of Uda and Uziza after Delivery

Benefits of Uda and Uziza after delivery

For those who want to know the benefits of Uda and Uziza after delivery, this will is all bout the usefulness of Uda and Uziza to women especially after giving birth. The Benefits of Uda and Uziza after delivery.

Of course, numerous benefits can be derived from drinking Uda and Uziza immediately after delivery, however, this article will give the six (6) outstanding benefits of Uda and Uziza after delivery.

Benefits of Uda and Uziza after delivery
Uda and Uziza

Image source: Facebook.com

Introduction to Uda and Uziza Seed

Uda and Uziza seeds are both spices that can be used to prepare food. However, their other health benefits to humankind are numerous.

What are Uda and Uziza used for after delivery? Uda and Uziza are used to remove lochia after delivery, Used for breast firming in new mothers, used to reduce postpartum belly, and used to lose weight.

Uda seed (Negro pepper) and Uziza are both African spices that are very useful for new mothers after delivery.

In Africa, It is usually recommended that a woman who just gave birth should be given boiled Uda or Uziza water, to help her reduce the postpartum belly. Uda and Uziza are also useful to ease stomach pains from delivery.

Drinking Uda and Uziza water after delivery is a common norm in African countries and even common in most African countries like Senegal, Kenya, and Nigeria.

This article aims to enlighten people on the benefits of Uda and Uziza after delivery and how to make use of them.

6 Benefits of Uda and Uziza After Delivery

1. Removes lochia after delivery.

2. Breast firming for breastfeeding mothers.

3. Detoxify new mothers.

4. Reduces Postpartum Belly.

5. Aids Weight loss

6. Increases Milk Production

1. Removes Lochia after Delivery:

Lochia is like menstrual discharge. It is a discharge you have after delivery. It can be dark, red, or dark-red in color. Lochia is normal after delivery. To clear up the discharge, Either Uda or Uziza will do wonders.

Uda or Uziza seed will be boiled to get the medicinal water that the new mother will drink. Drinking this herb will help to stop the discharge.

2. Breast firming for breastfeeding mothers:

For those who experience saggy breasts after delivery, Uda seed can help to firm them. It involves soaking Uda seed in the water overnight and grinding it to paste the following day, after which you apply the paste on the sagged breast or boil Uda seed with drinkable water and drink the Uda water day and night for days. It works wonders.

3. Detoxify New Mothers:

Uda, Uziza, or the combination of the two are used to detoxify the new mother immediately after delivery. It is aimed to flush out the body system and make the body free. Drinking boiled Uda water can also reduce stomach cramps after delivery.

4. Reduces Postpartum Belly:

Another great benefit of Uda and Uziza after delivery is to reduce the postpartum belly of a new mother. It helps to flatten the stomach. Uda and Uziza can be used to reduce postpartum belly by boiling and drinking the seed.

5. Aids Weight Loss:

Uda and Uziza help burn fat and calories when you drink the boiled water or add as a spice to your food. You need to drink it consistently to get the desired result.

6. Increases Milk Production:

Drinking Uda water after giving birth can help new mothers to have more milk to feed the baby. Uda or Uziza increase milk supply.

Benefits of Uda and Uziza after delivery

The general health benefits of Uda and Uziza Seeds

The general benefits of Uda and Uziza include but are not limited to;

• Relieving body pain when added as a spice to the food /, drank.

• Easing bowel movement.

• Increasing the breast milk production

• Regulating Blood Pressure (HBP).

• Increase appetite for food.


The Benefits of Uda and Uziza after delivery are quite numerous. The combination can be used to reduce postpartum belly, detoxification, remove lochia, firm breasts, and lose weight.

I'm a Nurse, wellness, and nutrition informant. I have worked with many health publishers in the past before creating InformantBlog InformantBlog.

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